
  • October 19, 2014By Jay Benjamin

    A Makeup client needed photos of their entire line of makeup. After sending me home with some samples and getting glitter everywhere, I decided to get smart about things. Shooting makeup for the next week was out of the question on their budget, so I went to photoshop… There were three characteristics that differentiated each

  • October 18, 2014By Jay Benjamin

    So, Jason wanted 1 logo to represent 2 different companies. I wdidn’t like where it was headed. After brainstorming for about a week, I started looking at LED Wiring Diagrams and schematics. I called the client up and talked about what the symbol meant. These types of things are very meaningful in schematics and wiring instructions.

  • March 25, 2014By Jay Benjamin

    I had an opportunity to really take my time and design this out. A contribution from Pepsi helped considerably to stretch the design funds. I decided to get sciencey. I ordered 3 books on menu design, two eye trackers, and some eye-tracking software and spent about 1 month researching how you design a menu. The science

  • April 7, 2013By Jay Benjamin

    I met Luke through a friend of mine and he let me handle quite a few design projects. We did give them the logo earlier, but shortly before selling the place off, Luke and I spoke about the different meanings for 42 (besides that the restaurant used to be located on route 42) This was a